defenders of the earth

The realism fantastic

Traditionally, the vision of unidentified flying objects, arose from the men terre.Partout in the world, whether at Tassili, Mongolia, China and America, drawings representing UFO or flying saucers we are thinking.

These drawings, sculptures or legends reported by word of mouth across the generations, we sogeurs and leave us to imagine answers to questions posed formidable their lives: Where do they come from? Who are they? Who are the drivers? Many are tempted to répoondre these questions ... very few have given answers! Among those who recently gave a kick to the search for truth, there are those that can be called precursors. ..




Fantastic realism avant la lettre (769? -840) This is probably the greatest scientist of his temps.Il wrote no fewer than 22 books, including one that retains attenton "of hail and thunder." This demonstrates masterpiece its value not only of great scientific and prelate informed, but he gives the first written record (with the same witnesses) in a UFO observation of the third type renconcontres etr more. (see the second link to read book that we consider to be exciting:




Charles Hoy Fort (1874-1932), the "father of realism fantastique.Son creator remains a reference for all researchers in the monde.Sa bibliography is enormous, and his work in his life make it an outstanding example for any researcher sérieux.Bon number puzzles that he has identified, remain solution.On owes a famous phrase: "The impossibility reasonable to introduce the little one with civility."

A masterpiece to read this man is: the book of the Damned (1919)é Michel (1919-1992) ... With him begins ufology française.Il becomes an expert himself, before the lettre.Here is  a text published in the journal Planet in 1963 (May-June) that we found: Adamsky (1891-1965) Fort probably the first man enough and open to the media about his meeting with extraterrestres.Il read his remarkable book: The flying saucers have landed.

The story of his encounter with aliens remains high on this particular day, in the sense that the very humanist message, including important scientific data and ahead of its time (a radio astronomer has 15 years of his life in research to achieve the same result as his conversation with "Venusian").

His flying saucers keep his name in reference (adamsky model) This model is perfect for the models developed by Nazi Germany and its allies ...!

For a man accused of swindling his whole life, it remains that it is buried alongside the heroes of the United States of America, in the center of cimetère Arlington, not far from the grave of John F. Kennedy , shows us clearly that this is a "man out of the ordinary!" The conspiracy of silence as his hero ... the shade! One day the truth will break on the case Adamsky and history will be ever change!


Jacques Bergier (1912-1978) was the great French writer of realism fantastique.En addition, it was a chemical engineer, an alchemist, spy, journalist, in addition to "being a writer.

He must, in collaboration with Louis Pauwels, the greatest success book of its time: the morning magiciens.Un book that has remained long my bedside book ..

On the morning of magicians marks a milestone in the history of littérature.Il hands while question.Il to reflect on the meaning of life .. It inspires other fields of vision.

Theories: He: men in black, the existence of extraterrestrials, futurology, the superman.

Citations: The impossible is what has not yet been done.

We have to see old things with new eyes.

Knowledge is the only wealth that can not change hands.

Moving from the hypothesis to the hypothesis conversasion working takes time and requires great rigor.

(about flying saucers): You know a lot of nations that will try their prototypes among neighbors?


Robert Charroux (born Robert Grugeau ,1909-1978) chose to name the pen name of the village of PTT Charroux.Son starting in 1943 is preceded by its first under the new name of Charroux in 1942.Il is committed to its region and is also known by another nickname borrowed from another village: Saint-Saviol.Il published 8 books of fiction between 1942 and became 1946.Charroux are preferred nickname from 1962.Il refuses routine and take part in various activities: he founded the International Club Treasure Hunt, where he became the president, assisted by his wife Yvette.

By his scientific works outstanding, it shall, to the world, the fabulous site of Glozel.This is him, not Eric von Daniken that we must also the theory (now very advanced in Research) of the former astronauts.

At 1-Read The Book of Secrets betrayed, 2 - History Unknown men since 100,000 years ,3-Le livre des Maitres du Monde 4-Treasures of the World. Guieu (1926-2000) This great French writer who has covered all genres, was so respected in his lifetime that other researchers and writers in giving the "fantastic realism" had called "the Master". No need to show hosted for the great Freemason, this unrepentant researcher who defied the "international conspiracy" orchestrated by our enemies and insidious irreducible: small gray!

We will link to a site (currently under construction) which will give a biography and a bibliography complete this pillar of the literature of the fantastic realism, the great scientist who was prepared to pay itself to go cueuillir l "infrmation or she was (we need only remember the Thomas Mantell, in 1948, Jimmy Guieu had crossed the Atlantic at its expense to investigate this matter and make it known in Europe) .

Jimmy Guieu, a man to follow on our site!

Links to sites concerned with Jimmy Guieu;

En primeur = our new website containing all the fans and fans of Jimmy Guieu.Vous find a complete biography, a forum and even a creative writing contest is in preparation:

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